How to cook original Italian recipes with the Italian Food Boss

Italian Food Boss | original Italian recipes

Welcome to the Italian Food Boss, the corner of the Internet where I show you how to cook original Italian recipes – with a new videorecipe published every week.

I will demonstrate for you how to prepare each dish from scratch, so that you can easily replicate them and cook them by yourself: you will be able to do it, even if the tastiest thing you can cook right now is butter on toast!

Surely, you’re asking yourself: “Italian Food Boss: who are you? Why should I even bother listening to you?”

Well, let me start by telling you what I’m not: I’m NOT a chef, I’m NOT a professional cook, in my everyday life I do something completely different… but you know what I am? I am passionate about Italy and our food!

As you may have detected from my accent by now, I was actually born and raised in Italy – unlike all these cooks showing up everywhere these days that want to cook Italian food and then end up preparing ‘Alfredo pasta’… Nothing wrong with ‘Alfredo pasta’: it just happens that you will NEVER find it served in a restaurant in Italy!

Follow me and my family (did you notice the brilliant camera job at the start of this video? Operated by my 2 years old daughter!) on this journey and learn “how it’s done in Italia”.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the bell (it is FREEEEE!), find me on Instagram and Facebook and start eating with me.

Check other tasty Italian recipes on !

Italian Food Boss

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